My passion and joy is found in helping you create yours

Doing something with soul, creativity or love; the essence of yourself that is put into your work.
Greek [may-rah-kee]
Coaching Services
Executive | Transition | Spark
Coaching services are designed to support you in finding meaningful ways to contribute and engage in life, work, education, and communities. Coaching will help you develop the strategies and tools to take action and change the status quo in a safe and supportive environment with a partner committed to being a part of your unique journey.
New Services Coming Soon
Navigating Change, Building Impact
In times of uncertainty taking meaningful action is more important than ever. Whether you are leading change in your organization, looking to run for office, or exploring new ways to contribute to your community through advocacy — we’re here to support your journey. That’s why we’re redesigning our services to better equip you to take action and address today’s challenges.
“Words may inspire, but only action creates change.”
— Simon Sinek
What People are Saying
“My work was meaningful and rewarding so I put off the retirement conversation for years, I didn’t know what I would do or how I would spend my time. I had given my full self to my career for years. Amy’s coaching masterfully facilitated my creation of a path into retirement that excited me!”
— M.C., Executive Coaching client
“Amy is authentic, compassionate, bold and intuitive as a coach. Her masterful ability to ask the just right question has been transformational in my growth as a female executive. She helped me to build upon my strengths, develop my team, and create a path that was sustainable for our organization. In addition, she intentionally facilitated my ability to find personal and professional satisfaction.”
— A.C., Executive Coaching client
“As a college student I needed personalized one on one support to identify my strengths, determine what majors and career paths fit best, and learn how to keep my anxiety of the unknowns ahead in check. Thanks to Amy’s coaching I didn’t survive, I thrived! I learned how to manage my stress and anxiety, create balance in my daily life, and build my resume. Amy coached me in mock interviews to help me put my best self forward for internships my senior year and as I entered the workforce. We do quarterly check in’s which have made my transition from student to professional seamless and within six months I’ve already secured a promotion!”
— B.N., Executive Coaching client
“I started working with Amy when I found myself needing to get out of a bad working working environment. It was my first job and my passion for my profession was fading fast. Amy worked with me to rebuild and create a better path ahead. She gave me the tools I needed and the confidence to follow through and create my dream position with an organization that truly lives their mission.”
— G.A., Executive Coaching client
“I felt stuck in my career. I knew I wanted to do something different, but didn’t know what. Amy helped me prioritize what was important to me personally and professionally, build on my strengths and find a path that would provide me continued opportunities to grow. I love what I do again!”
— W.L., Executive Coaching client
“Never let them see you sweat. As a female leader in my organization that was my motto and it was working against me both at work and at home. I was a top performer at work month after month looking like I had it all. Behind the scenes, I was sleeping less than three hours a night and barely keeping my head above water. Amy helped me dial in to what I wanted to achieve in my professional life and create the time and space I so craved for my partner and children. I sacrificed nothing, I have been promoted at work and am now in a position to mentor other women in our organization. When I’m home, I’m home and my family has my undivided attention. My kids are thriving and my partner and I are stronger than ever. I came to Amy for executive coaching and left with so much more!”
—L.F., Executive Coaching client